John DeLong

John DeLong

Development Practice Co-Lead

With the aid of K’NEX, John discovered at a young age his passion for bringing ideas to life. He would spend hours on the floor designing cars, homes, tools, and even a fully functional elevator. His constant curiosity for how things worked, combined with a non-functional computer found in his parent’s basement, fueled his love for technology and desire to pursue a Computer Engineering degree at Grand Valley State University. While there, he found programming to be the ultimate tool for designing, creating solutions, and making ideas come to life.

After graduation, he started his career as a Software Engineer at Dematic, developing tools to help customers manage their complex logistic systems. This led to valuable experience in backend and web development using languages such as T-SQL, Java, HTML, and JavaScript.

It wasn’t until he joined MichiganLabs, however, that John was able to pursue his true passion: mobile app development. MichiganLabs has been the perfect fit for his curiosity, allowing him to hone his skill set and experience the excitement as customers share their ideas for a new app.

Even when not at work, John finds himself reading tech news and creating apps. Other interests include basketball, soccer and football, and spending time with friends. On the home front, he enjoys doing projects around the house and spending quiet nights with his wife, Amanda, and their curious cat. John and Amanda also lead a small group at church.

Personal interests
  • Home Automation
  • Building Apps
  • Sports
  • Making Friends
Bringing Agile Home

Bringing Agile Home

August 26, 2020

My life often resembles a game of Whack-A-Mole. The moment I complete one task two more pop up. To avoid getting behind, I jump on new tasks almost immediately. Then at some point along the way my wife will innocently ask if I’ve scheduled my appointment with the Secretary of State. Realizing that an up-to-date driver’s license takes priority over a squeaky hinge, I put down my tools and book my online appointment.

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Development iOS

(Part 1) iOS Custom Transition Animations

June 1, 2018

Creating custom transition animations between views is not only possible in iOS, its fun too! Lets create our own custom transition to mimic one that we see on a regular basis.

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Development iOS

(Part 2) iOS Custom Transition Animations

June 1, 2018

Creating custom transition animations between views is not only possible in iOS, its fun too! Lets create our own custom transition to mimic one that we see on a regular basis.

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